Team players can increase their chances of winning with Garena Talk communication allows users to speak to one another to better understand where they are on the map, create strategies to win against enemies, and learn new aspects of the gaming experience from one another. Garena Talk functions with Garena and non-Garena games. To further the visual play experience, users can minimize the overlay pop-up or hide the feature altogether by clicking on the predetermined key. If gamers experience audio issues, then they can see players talking in the overlay pop-up window with the indication of an icon appearing next to the usernames. The overlay is a pop-up feature that allows users to seamlessly play while adjusting the audio and microphone settings and while inviting members to voice chat and instant messages. There’s a prechosen button that users can modify to show and hide the overlay feature while gaming. Within the voice chat room, users can click on the settings button to check their audio, microphone, and overlay setup. If gamers choose to create their own voice chat rooms, then they are able to make them private or public. Gamers can find the icon within the Garena messenger window they can create their own chat rooms or join them instead. Garena Talk is the application’s voice chat feature. By being a part of the Garena community, gamers can meet at offline gatherings: Garena Carnival. Additionally, Garena has put extensive effort into launching in-person events. This application is great for people who love to stay home while connecting with one another. The online GPL competition has been revolutionized throughout the years to include more countries and people. The tournaments are often recorded with commentaries and posted on the Garena Premier League YouTube channel. Garena+, also referred to as Garena Plus, hosts online competitions for users: Garena Premier League. Gamers identify one another within the application by usernames and avatars. The premise of this feature is in alignment with instant messaging platforms users can create group conversations, private messages, and buddy lists.

Users can choose to message individual or multiple players from the Garena+ network. The main feature of this platform is the ability to chat with global gamers. With Garena+, gamers play from the comfort of wherever they choose and with the ability to be connected with others that are in the same position. The product is a gaming platform with the ability to internationally socialize with gamers.